New Product Suggestion Form

We're proud to be the go-to store for "everything" you need to grow organically!

If you have a go-to product that you love and rely on in your organic garden, tell us about it! We rely on our wonderful employees, enthusiastic customers, and conscientious vendors to keep our product line up to date with the best items available.

When you submit a suggestion on this form, we'll consider it along with all the other suggestions we receive. When we see multiple suggestions for similar products we will find a supplier, order a sample, and bring all the data necessary for us to make the business decision to add to our immense product line to our monthly new products committee meeting.

During the meeting our dedicated staff will test the product (or take it home for testing) and then vote on whether the product meets our criteria. Of course, if you LOVE it, we likely will too!

Thanks for taking the time to provide us with as much useful information as possible to aid us in our decision making process. If you have any comments about an existing product please send an email to our help desk.

GrowOrganic… For Life!